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That's Not Very Long For a GTA Game.

Grand Theft Auto VI will not be as long as Red Dead Redemption 2.

Players and fans should note that the information provided should always be taken with a grain of salt. Now that Grand Theft Auto VI has been announced, reports are flowing-in regarding the smaller details. While players wait for the 2025 release date, eyes are shifting focus on to the gameplay, story and potential online components. Reports are coming out that the story may be similar in length to Grand Theft Auto V, which means it won't be as lengthy as Red Dead Redemption 2. This report comes from Legacy Killa HD via X (formerly Twitter), "Probably 35-40 hours". Legacy Killa HD is a decently popular YouTuber specifically in the field of Rockstar Games. Legacy Killa HD claims that nothing he has publicly posted has ever shown to be false.

For those that don't know, Red Dead Redemption 2 sits at a minimum of 50 hours of gameplay time. For completionist, Red Dead Redemption 2 is looking at approximately 80 hours. Grand Theft Auto V playthrough is approximately 30 to 50 hours, which is what Legacy Killa HD is stipulating.

Grand Theft Auto 6

Do you believe what Legacy Killa HD has predicted? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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