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GTA VI Trailer Released!

The trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI has been dropped by Rockstar one day early!

GTA VI Characters

The highly anticipated trailer for the next instalment of Grand Theft Auto VI has been released! With all forms of reviews, detailed analysis and reaction videos plaguing the internet, it is clear that fans of the series are excited. At the time of writing, the YouTube trailer from the creators, Rockstar, has received over 130 million views; that is more views than the GTA V trailer which has been uploaded for over ten years now.

The trailer does not reveal too much detail on the gameplay besides the setting of Vice City which is a fictional Miami, USA. At the conclusion of the trailer, Rockstar state that the game will be released in 2025. While this date may seen far, it has given fans a timeframe in which to expect it. The next question that everyone is asking, when can we preorder it?

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